
International Conference and Workshop on

Experiential Approach to Consumer Decision Making

27 - 31 December 2018, Providence University, Taichung


(Support journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Special Issue)


Conference Co-chairs

Professor Cheng Lu Wang, University of New Haven, cwang@newhaven.edu

Associate Professor Henry Chung, Massey University, h.chung@massey.ac.nz

Professor Sheng-Yung Yang, Vice President of International Affairs, Providence University, shengyang@pu.edu.tw

Professor Tsun-Jui Hsieh, Dean of Research and Development Affairs, Providence University, tjhsieh@pu.edu.tw

Associate Professor Heng-Hui Wu, Chair of Department of Business Administration, Providence University,hhwu@pu.edu.tw


Following the call for papers for the special issue of “Experiential Approach to Consumer Decision Making” in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (please click the link at  http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=7759, we are delighted to invite authors planning submission to this special issue to present their abstracts/full papers during the conference and workshop that will be held at Providence University, Taichung on 27-31 December 2018. The conference and workshop are in line with the theme and topics of the aforementioned APJML special issue. While authors who intend to submit their manuscript to this APJML special issue are encouraged to attend the conference and workshop, which provides authors a better chance to receive feedback and constructive comments from peer researchers and special issue guest editors, all researchers in the area of marketing and consumer decision making are more than welcome to attend and disseminate their knowledge and cutting-edge research findings.


The aims of the conference/workshop are to:

-          Meet and share research in the consumer decision with special issue guest editors and other researchers in the field

-          Enable authors to present, discuss and receive feedback on their papers prior to final submission to the special issue.

-          Improve the quality of papers and ultimately maximise authors’ chances of final acceptance in the special issue.


This conference registration fee is US$250 (early bird registration) and US$300 (later registration). Authors of accepted papers will be given 20 minutes for presentation. This will be followed by discussion for 5-10 minutes depending on the number of papers accepted for presentation. Only those who intend to attend the conference should submit their paper. Rejection of an abstract or a full paper from presentation at the conference does not mean authors cannot submit to the special issue.


Key information:

-   Acceptance will be based on the relevance of papers to the conference theme and on the level of contributions to this area of research.

-   Abstracts that show near completion of the study will be favored over abstracts that are still in the early stages.

-   Deadline for submission to the conference/workshop: 31 August 2018.
Full papers/abstracts for the conference should be submitted to Professor Cheng Lu Wang at cwang@newhaven.edu or Associate Professor Henry Chung at h.Chung@massey.ac.nz (international submissions) and Associate Professor Heng-Hui Wu at hhwu@pu.edu.tw (Taiwan submissions).

-   Notification of acceptance will be sent out before or by 15 Sep 2018.

-  The conference/workshop is on 27-31 Dec 2018 and a one-day interaction with to local businesses and retailers. Please register your conference/workshop attendance as soon as possible but no later than 15, Oct 2018.


Refreshment and lunch will be provided throughout the conference. The conference will be held at Providence University, Taichung Campus (address: 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu Dist., Taichung). An optional tour to Taiwan can be arrange on participants own expenses (Providence University will provide relevant information).  More detail of conference information is available at http://puic.pu.edu.tw/zh_tw/news/conference, or http://www.ba.pu.edu.tw/news2/super_pages.php?ID=act



Professor Cheng Lu Wang, University of New Haven
Associate Professor Henry Chung, Massey University
Professor Sheng-Yung Yang, Vice President of International Affairs, Providence University 
Professor Tsun-Jui Hsieh, Dean of Research and Development Affairs, Providence University
Associate Professor Heng-Hui Wu, Chair of Department of Business Administration, Providence University