Chen, -
年度 | 參考文獻格式 |
1995 | Chen, Hsin-Der and Lee, Chung-Yee(1995). A Simple Algorithm for the Error Bound of the Dynamic Lot Size Model Allowing Speculative Motive. IIE Transaction, Vol. 0, No. 27, p.p683-688 [其它]. |
1995 | Chen, Hsin-Der, Hearn, Donald W. and Lee, Chung-Yee(1995). Minimizing the Error Bound for the Dynamic Lot Size Model. Operations Research Letters, Vol. 0, No. 17, p.p57-68 [其它]. |
1994 | Chen, Hsin-Der, Panos M. Pardalos and Michael A. Saunders(1994). The Simplex Algorithm with a New Primal and Dual Pviot Rule. OR Letters, Vol. 0, No. 16, p.p121-127 [其它]. |
1994 | Chen, Hsin-Der, Hearn, Donald W. and Lee, Chung-Yee(1994). A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Dynamic Lot Size Models with Piecewise Linear Cost. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 0, No. 4, p.p397-413 [其它]. |
1994 | Chen, Hsin-Der, Hearn, Donald W. and Lee, Chung-Yee(1994). A New DynamicProgramming Algorithm for Single Item Capacitated Dynamic Lot Size Model. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 0, No. 4, p.p285-300 [其它]. |

年度 | 參考文獻格式 |
2019 | Chen, Hsin-Der(20191020~20191023), A Strongly Polynomial-time Algorithm for Linear Programming, INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting. |
2015 | 陳欣得;賴奕銓(20150502~20150502),整合最小批量與生產容量之單產品動態批量存貨模型--最佳解之演算法,2015前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會。 |
2015 | Chen, Hsin-Der; Lai, Yi-Chiuan(20150707~20150709), An efficient algorithm for the single-item capacitated lot sizing problem with minimum order quantities and piecewise linear costs, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015). |
2015 | Chen, Hsin-Der(20150802~20150806), A sphere method performed on simplex tableaux for linear programming, 10th Triennial Conference (APORS 2015). |
2015 | 蔡宏洲;陳欣得(20151023~20151023),美式數位選擇權之評價公式,第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會。 |
2015 | Chen, Hsin-Der(20151023~20151023), A New Algorithm for Linear Programming with Advantages of Both Simplex Methods and Interior Point Methods, The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan. |
2015 | Chen, Hsin-Der and Chang, Tsung-Sheng(20151106~20151107), An O(TlogT) Algorithm for the Single Item Uncapacitated Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model with Demand Time Windows, The 2nd East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering (EAWIE 2015). |
2015 | 邱添進,陳欣得(20151027~20151027),領導類型與衝突管理對研發專案績效的影響,國立勤益科技大學第十三屆管理學術研討會。 |
1998 | Chen, Hsin-Der,Tsai, Hung-Chou(199801~199801), A New Modified Binomial Approach for Pricing American Put Option, The Seventh Conference on the Theories an Practices of Security And Financial Market. |

年度 | 計畫名稱 | 主持人 | 計畫期間 | 共同主持人 |
2022 | PU-Excel輔助題庫整理與出題系統 | 陳欣得 | 2021-2022 | 石素娟 |
1999 | 電動機車研發與推廣之社會經濟效益分析與評估 | 陳欣得 | 1998-1999 | |
1999 | 多階層最佳批量問題之研究(I) | 陳欣得 | 1998-1999 |

學期別 | 班級 | 科目代碼 | 科目名稱 | 修別 | 學分數 |
1132 | 企管二A | 05431 | 供應鏈管理 | 選修 | 3 |
1132 | 企管一B | 02417 | 管理學 | 必修 | 3 |
1132 | 企管一B | 02216 | 經濟學(二) | 必修 | 3 |

學校名稱 | 論文名稱 | 學位 |
美國佛羅里達州立大學工業與系統工程研究所博士 |