

  • 名稱
    Lai, Yi-Chiuan
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年度 參考文獻格式
2006 Lai, Yi-Chiuan(2006). Stochastic modeling of engineering activities. Journal of the Operational Research Society (in review), Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI、SSCI、].
2006 Yi-Chiuan Lai and John Jackman(2006). A hierarchical probabilistic model for product development. The Journal of Engineering Design (accepted), Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI].
2005 Yi-Chiuan Lai, John Jackman(2005). Lai, Y. C., and J. Jackman, A Composite Stochastic Model for Individual Product Development Tasks. Working paper, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [其它].
2002 Yi-Chiuan Lai and John Jackman(2002). Modeling product development processes. Working Paper, IMSE Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [其它].
2002 Yi-Chiuan Lai and John Jackman(2002). Evolution of a design task. Working Paper, IMSE Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [其它].
年度 參考文獻格式
2022 洪若瑄,賴奕銓,楊㝢捷,朱天昕,林怡薰,林容蔚,顏嘉均(20221209~20221209),包含擴增實境元件的服務流程設計框架,2022第18屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集。
2018 張琮智;莊可洋;賴奕銓(20181130~20181130),工業4.0背景下訂單實踐流程的資料需求分析,2018第十四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會及第十六屆管理學術研討會。
2016 蘇晨華;黃茹鳳;吳曉柔;王麗如;張雅涵;賴奕銓(20161028~20161028),利用整數規劃配置水果栽種面積,2016第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會。
2015 陳欣得; 賴奕銓(20150502~20150502),整合最小批量與生產容之單品動態存貨模型 整合最小批量與生產容之單品動態存貨模型 整合最小批量與生產容之單品動態存貨模型 —最佳解之演算法,2015 前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會。
2012 Lai, Yi-Chiuan; Hsu, Chin-Min(20120708~20120711), The Efficiency Measure Over Time with Undesirable Outputs: A Case of Auto and Auto Component Industry in Taiwan, 25th European Conference on Operational Research.
2012 Tsai, Ching-Tai; Lai, Yi-Chiuan; Wang, Ting-Li(20120608~20120608), A Hybrid Three-stage Flow Shop Scheduling Problem, 2012第八屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨第十一屆中華決策科學學會年會與學術研討會論文集(p.p69~79).
2012 賴奕銓(20120419~20120419),教學評量之「評量問題」,大學教師教學評量研討會論文集(頁28~32)。
2001 Lai, Yi-Chiuan,John Jackman(200111~200111), Modeling product development processes, INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Lai, Yi-Chiuan, Allocating WIP Mix under Different Card Controlling Policies, The Proceeding of 2006 ORSTW Annual Meeting.
彭泉,賴奕銓,莊政益,何子平,運用排程技術於零工式訂單組裝工廠設施規劃之研究,The Proceeding of 2006 ORSTW Annual Meeting。
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai, Zih-Ping Ho, and Hao-Che Liang, Applying PERT to the Allocation of Restaurant Seats, The Proceeding of 2006 ORSTW Annual Meeting.
許欽閔,李玉堂,賴奕銓,定額半製品零工式生產系統之控制政策,The Proceeding of 2007 ORSTW Annual Meeting。
彭泉, 賴奕銓, 莊政益, 何子平,組裝型設備製造業在場地限制下之訂單排程研究,The Proceeding of 2007 ORSTW Annual Meeting。
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai, Zih-Ping Ho, Jobs Scheduling in an Assembly Factory with Space Obstacles, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing(p.p770~777).
Yi-Chiuan Lai, Yu-Tang Lee, Chyuan Perng and Sui-Fu Tsai, Rework and Control Policies in a CONWIP Job Shop System, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai, Chin-Lun Ouyang, and Zih-Ping Ho, Application of New Approaches to Space Scheduling Problems with Early and Tardy Penalty, Proceedings of CIIE.
Perng, C., Lai, Yi-Chiuan, Ho, Z.P, A Space Allocation Algorithm for Minimal Early and Tardy Costs in Space Scheduling, 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science (EI)(p.p33~36).
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai*, Zih-Ping Ho and Chin-Lun Ouyang, A Space Allocation Algorithm for Minimal Makespan in Space Scheduling Problems, The 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (EI)(p.p526~534).
許欽閔. 賴奕銓,考慮非意欲產出的跨期間效率評估:以台灣汽車及其零件業為例,The Proceeding of 2009 Operations Research Society of Taiwan Annual Meeting。
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai, Zih-Ping Ho, Optimization of Tardy Cost in a Space Scheduling Problem, The Proceeding of 2009 Operations Research Society of Taiwan Annual Meeting.
Chyuang Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai, Shiuan-Wen Chiou and Yu Hsin Tuan, A Quasi-Three-Dimensional Allocation Algorithm for Space Scheduling Problems, Proceedings of CIIE.
Chyuan Perng, Yi-Chiuan Lai*, Zih-Ping Ho and Chin-Lun Ouyang, A Space Allocation Algorithm for Minimal Early and Tardy Costs in Space Scheduling Problems, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2010)(p.p52~58).
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
產品開發過程的通用隨機模型之發展 賴奕銓 2002-2003
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1132 企管二B 01970 統計學(二) 必修 3
1132 企管三A 10825 專題概論 必修 1
1132 企管三B 05328 作業管理 必修 3
1132 企管二A 02401 管理科學 必修 3
1132 企管三C 10825 專題概論 必修 1
1132 企管三B 10825 專題概論 必修 1
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
美國愛荷華州立大學工業工程博士 A general stochastic model for product development processes 博士論文