

  • 名稱
    Lin, Chang-jung Vict
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  • 最高學歷
    美國 賓州州立大學 人力教育暨發展系 博士
  • 研究專長
年度 參考文獻格式
2023 Kawuryan, Renita, Lin, Chang-jung(2023). The Impact of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship on Non-Financial Business Performance: A Study of Start-Up Business Owner's Perception in an Indonesian University. International Journal of Science and Society, Vol. 5, No. 2, p.p358-366 [其它].
2022 林昌榮, 李秋慧, 鄧嘉宏*(2022)。生涯停滯與工作滿足感之關係—人格特質的調節效果。管理資訊計算,第11卷,第1期,頁301-311 [其它]。
2021 Lin, Chang-jung*, Chen, Ying-Ni(2021). Assessing Faculty Training Needs: A Case Study of a Private Post-Secondary Vocational College in Taiwan. Across-Strait Vocational Education Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, p.p53-60 [其它].
2015 林昌榮;張銘宗(2015)。彈性員工福利制度之資訊揭露對員工認知及態度的影響: 實驗設計法之應用。管理資訊計算,第4卷,第1期,頁201-212 [其它]。
2015 Chen, Y., Passmore, D. L. & Lin, C.(2015). The Impact of Training Participation on Wages for Mid-Career Women: On-the-Job vs. Off-the-Job Training. Applied Science and Management Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, p.p1-11 [其它].
2014 林昌榮、賴彩惠、古琳翔、邱慧菁、鄭淑芬(2014)。加盟店新進人員之教育訓練問題―以真鍋咖啡為例。觀光與休閒管理期刊,第2卷,第2期,頁245-253 [其它]。
2008 陳盈霓,林昌榮*(2008)。知覺移轉距離對訓練移轉意願之影響─以數位學習為例。環球科技人文學刊,第7卷,第0期,頁19-28 [其它]。
2006 林昌榮*,江偉台,陳韋如,陳君彥,潘相伊,簡愛芝,顏合駿(2006)。組織承諾與完全薪酬滿意度之實証研究─以遠東技術學院專任教師為例。遠東學報,第23卷,第2期,頁201-216 [其它]。
2002 林昌榮,張美倫,張美滿(2002)。台商子女在中國大陸台商子弟學校教育現況與發展--以東莞台商子弟學校為例。教育資訊研究,第10卷,第4期,頁19-40 [其它]。
2002 林昌榮、張銘宗、黃素芳、徐楊順(2002)。「財務性薪酬滿足感」與「非財務性薪酬滿足感」對「感情承諾」與「持續承諾」影響之比較。中華管理評論,第5卷,第3期,頁53-64 [其它]。
2002 Passmore, D. L., Wall, J., Pellock, C., Tucker, H., & Lin, C.(2002). Opportunities Lost: A Case Study of the Worth of Technical Skills to a Community. Central Business Review, Vol. 11, No. 2, p.p27-32 [其它].
2002 Mohamed, A., Passmore, D. L., Lin, C.(2002). Underemployment and Participation in Vocational Education: A Methodological Study. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 10, No. 2, p.p5-25 [其它].
2001 林昌榮,王家豪,林千惠,黃秀滿,鍾欣怡,鄭淑華(2001)。台灣地區人力資源相關職位之「工作規範」的演變趨勢。朝陽學報,第0卷,第6期,頁35-47 [其它]。
2001 林昌榮,徐楊順,張惠蓉(2001)。組織員工知識分享意涵之初探。研習論壇月刊,第0卷,第6期,頁12-20 [其它]。
2001 林昌榮(2001)。國內大學「人力資源管理」相關課程之課程規劃及企業之需求分析─以企管相關學系為例。人力資源管理學報,第1卷,第2期,頁25-37 [其它]。
2000 林昌榮,劉定國,何雅惠,陳育瑜,劉惠芳(2000)。組織承諾與完全薪酬之實證研究──以朝陽科技大學專任教師為例。朝陽學報,第0卷,第5期,頁1-24 [其它]。
年度 參考文獻格式
2019 Passmore, D. L., Chen, Y., Okou, J., Wu, W., & Lin, C.(20191022~), Variations in Participation in School-Based Learning of Career Skills among U.S. Youth, The 34th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association.
2019 Chen, Y., Wu, W., Passmore, D. L., & Lin, C.(20191022~), Training, Work Experience, and Educational Level on Wage Rates among Young People in the United States, The 34th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association.
2013 林昌榮、簡良育、陳盈霓(20130601~20130601),工作滿足對組織公民行為之影響-工作倦怠之調節效果,2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會論文集(光碟版)。
Passmore, D. L., Lin, C., Chen, Y., Estimating Shortages of Engineering Personnel: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches, Proceedings of the 6th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education(p.p81~84).
Lin, C., Passmore, D. L., & Chen, Y., Job-related Training and Education for U.S. Workers: An Analysis of Investments and Obstacles, Proceedings of the AHRD International Research Conference 2003(p.p736~743).
Passmore, D. L., Lin, C., Chen, Y., Bevas-Gonzales, T., Brna, M. J., & Cebici, E. D., Contribution of literacy to employment: Theoretical perspective and preliminary estimates, Proceeding of the 6th Pennsylvania Adult & Continuing Education Research Conference(p.p105~110).
Lin, C., Passmore, D. L., Chen, Y., Comparisons of job-related training and education for part-time and full-time U.S. workers: An application of multinomial logit modeling, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference for Promoting Technical Vocational Education Institutes and Industrial Technology Education(p.p112~122).
Chen, Y. & Lin, C., Exploring the Correlates of Job Training Participation Over Working Life for Mid-Career Women in the Untied States, Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of International Vocational Education and Training Association [CD ROM].
Chen, Y., Lin, C., The Impact of Training Participation on Wages for Mid-Career Women: On-the-Job vs. Off-the-Job Training, Proceedings of the 2007 Gender and Education Association Conference [CD ROM].
李秋慧,鄧嘉宏,林昌榮,生涯停滯與工作滿足感之關聯性 -人格特質之調節效果,2008第九屆管理學域學術研討會論文集。
Lin, C., Chen, Y., The Impact of Career Plateauing on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management & The 3rd International Conference on Business in Asia[CD ROM].
Lin, C., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., The Relationship between Career Plateauing and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Oganizational Justice., Proceedings of the Asia Academy of Management 2010 Conference[CD ROM].
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
自我效能及內外控人格特質對訓練移轉成效之影響─探索中年職業婦女生涯停滯之干擾效 陳盈霓 2008-2009 林昌榮
非同步網路化訓練之訓練移轉成效─近程移轉與遠程移轉之比較 陳盈霓 2006-2007 林昌榮
網路招募之刻板印象及對其使用意願影響之探討─求職者與招募者之分析比較 林昌榮 2001-2003
以實驗設計法探討彈性員工福利制度對員工認知及態度之影響 林昌榮 2000-2001
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1131 寰宇管理學程(碩)一 06345 組織行為與管理 選修 3
1131 企管四B 09311 專題實作 必修 3
1131 企管三C 04596 導師時間 必修 0
1131 企管四A 09311 專題實作 必修 3
1131 企管三A 10696 員工協助與諮詢輔導 選修 3
1131 企管三B 00036 人力資源管理 必修 3
1131 企管四C 09311 專題實作 必修 3
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
美國 賓州州立大學 人力教育暨發展系 博士 Exploring Links Between Employment and Job-related Training and Education: An Analysis of Part-time and Full-time U.S. Workers 博士論文