

  • 名稱
    Chang, Wen-ching
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年度 參考文獻格式
2024 張文菁,康贊清,莊雅雪(2024)。PH7 Creative Lab:水到渠成的創業路?。管理個案評論,第15卷,第2期,頁51-74 [TCI-HSS]。
2023 Chang, Wen-Ching*, Weng, Liang-Chieh, Wu, Song-Bang(2023). CSR and Organizational Attractiveness: The Impacts of Crisis and Crisis Response. Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 4, p.p3753-0 [SSCI].
2020 Kang, Tsan-Ching, Chuang, Ya-Hsueh, Chang, Wen-Ching, Chen, Po-Ju(2020). [Scopus] Creative Design Ltd.: The path to youth entrepreneurship. Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p10-2 [其它].
2020 Chuang, Ya-Hsueh, *Chang, Wen-Ching, Kang,Tsan-Ching, (2020). A beautiful misunderstanding- 7C kitchen. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases (JHTC), Vol. 8, No. 1, p.p0-0 [其它].
2019 Wang, Zhu-ying, *Chang, Wen-ching(2019). [ESCI]The effects of P-O ethical fit, expected pay and corporate image on job choice decision. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, p.p106-124 [其它].
2018 Chang, Wen-ching*, Weng, Lieang-chieh(2018). Ethical Leadership, Voice, and Power Distance: A Multi-level and Multi-source Examination with Military Personnel in Taiwan. Journal of Quality, Vol. 25, No. 4, p.p271-288 [EI].
2017 張文菁;楊子賢(2017)。企業社會責任與組織人才吸引力之關聯:企業形象的中介效果。勞資關係論叢,第19卷,第1期,頁1-23 [其它]。
2016 尤建文;張文菁(2016)。以Q方法探討家具業務人員認知其職能類型之研究。勞資關係論叢,第18卷,第2期,頁23-48 [其它]。
2015 Weng, Liang-chieh; Chang, Wen-ching(2015). Does Impression Management really help? A Multi-level testing of the Mediation Role of Impression Management between Personality Traits and LMX. Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, p.p2-10 [TSSCI].
2014 張文菁;翁良杰;藍庭國(2014)。團隊成員多元性、成員交換關係及成員角色定義幅度對團隊品質之影響。品質學報,第21卷,第1期,頁33-55 [EI]。
2014 Fang, Hsiang-Ming; Chang, Wen-ching(2014). The Effects of Member Familiarity, Task Results Visibility, and Perceived Coworker Loafing on Technology-supported Team Performance: Social Loafing Effect Perspective. Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, p.p367-379 [TSSCI].
2008 Weng, Liang-Chieh, Chang, Wen-Ching, Lai, Yi-Chu, Ho, Hsiao-Hui(2008). The Transfer of Human Resource Management Practices within MNC Subsidiaries: The Case of Taiwan and China. 企業管理學報, Vol. 79, No. 0, p.p81-124 [TCI-HSS].
2007 Jaw, B.S., Ling, Y.H., Wang, C.Y.P., and Chang, W.C.(2007). The Impact of Culture on Chinese Employees’ Work Values.. Personnel Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, p.p128-144 [SSCI].
2007 張文菁,柯元達,黃泉源(2007). Learning for Increasing Value of Organization or Self: Employee's Perspective. 人力資源管理學報, Vol. 7, No. 1, p.p0-0 [TSSCI].
2007 翁良杰,張文菁,賴薏筑(2007)。多國籍企業子公司所屬之專屬知識跨界傳佈之研究。管理研究學報,第7卷,第2期,頁315-347 [TCI-HSS]。
2007 Weng, Liang-chieh, Chang, Wen-ching, Lai, Yi-chu(2007). Resource integration and future relationship in MNC subsidiaries: a dyadic level of analysis.. 企業管理學報, Vol. 75, No. 0, p.p37-75 [TCI-HSS].
2006 張文菁,凌雅慧,陳穎峰,張健豪(2006)。產業環境影響下企業人力資本系統與組織創新績效關係之研究。人力資源管理學報,第6卷,第1期,頁101-122 [TSSCI]。
2006 Jaw, B.S., Wang, C.Y.P., Ling, Y.H., and Chang, W.C.(2006). The Cross-Cultural Determinants of Chinese Employees’ Work Value. Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 2, p.p73-81 [TSSCI].
2005 黃英忠,鍾安宜,翁良杰,張文菁(2005)。國際交換學生海外適應與生活滿意度關係之研究:社會支持觀點。中山管理評論,第13卷,第4期,頁959-981 [TSSCI]。
2005 趙必孝,王喻平,張文菁(2005)。組織內勞動市場對知識學習成效的因果關係—內部移轉意願的中介效果。人力資源管理學報,第5卷,第3期,頁91-106 [TSSCI]。
Chuang, Ya-Hsueh; Chang, Wen-Ching*; Kang, Tsan-Ching Kang(). A Beautiful Misunderstanding-7C Kitchen. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [其它].
年度 參考文獻格式
2024 張文菁(20240815~20240816),問題導向學習法應用於國際人力資源管理之教學行動研究,教育部教學實踐研究計畫--商業及管理學門成果交流會。
2024 莊雅雪,康贊清,張文菁(20241213~20241213), 價格、推廣與企業社會責任對顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠的影響:企業形象的角色, 2024第十九屆中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會.
2023 張文菁,李怡穎,蔡博閔(20231207~20231208),睡眠品質與工作壓力對員工績效之影響:以面板業員工為例,2023年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會。
2022 Chang, Wen-ching, Shinnar, Rachel S(20220512~20220513), Developing management students' cultural intelligence through collaborative international online learning, Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2022.
2022 張文菁,吳宛蓉(20221217~20221219),CLIL內容語言整合學習在產業華語教學之應用,2022第二十一屆台灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會。
2020 Khire, Rushikesh, *Chang, Wen-ching, Jeng, Yi-yi, Pepers, Etienne, Polasen, Patcharaporn(20201007~20201009), Determining the Impacts of Online Customer Reviews on International Students’ Online Hostel Booking Intentions: A Preliminary Study, 33rd EBES Conference.
2020 Kanyavee, Teerakulpisut, Chang, Wen-ching, Khire, Rushikesh, Chang, Heidi(20201104~20201107), Customers motivations for sharing reviews on booking hostel websites in Taiwan, tForum 2020 International Conference.
2019 Chang, Wen-Ching, Wu, Chiung-Han, Weng, Liang-Chieh(20190516~20190517), The effect of perceived organizational support on work engagement and performance: A study of international assignees, Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2019.
2019 張文菁,康贊清,莊雅雪(20190927~20190927),PH7 Lab:水到渠成的創業之路?,管理評論第九屆管理個案研討會。
2018 Chang, Wen-ching; Tseng, Yu-ya; Weng, Liang-chieh(20180517~20180518), The Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Cross-cultural Adjustment for International Students in University: The Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy, Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2018.
2018 Wang, Zhu-ying; Chang, Wen-ching(20180625~20180629), The Effects of Person-Organization Ethical Fit and Job Seekers’ Cognitive Dissonance on Their Intent to Apply: An Example of Hospitality Industry, The 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference.
2018 Chang, Wen-ching; Chu, Yu-ying(20181002~20181005), Organizational commitment and burnout among hospital pharmacists: An application of the job demands-resources model, Global Conference on Business, Hospitality and Tourism Research.
2017 Chang, Wen-ching; Altinay, Levent(20170710~20170715), Enhancing the social wellbeing of elderly through engagement with temples, The 7th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management(p.p586~586).
2017 Chang, Wen-ching;Wu, Ying-jie;Weng,Liang-chieh;Wu,Cheng-ho(20171003~20171007), The effects of team- and individual-level knowledge sharing on individual service performance: The moderating effect of organizational service quality climate, Global Conference of Services Management(p.p110~110).
2017 朱育瑩;張文菁(20171105~20171105),醫院藥師工作要求與工作倦怠之調查分析,台灣臨床藥學會第14屆第二次會員代表大會暨學術研討會。
2015 Chang, Wen-Ching; Weng, Liang-Chieh; Wu, Song-Bang(20150108~20141201), An investigation of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organizational attractiveness: The impact of crisis and crisis response strategy, Seoul International Conference on Social Sciences and Management.
2015 Weng, Liang-Chieh, Chang, Wen-ching(20150807~20150811), Better relationship from better performance?The joint effects of performance-based LMX differentiation and LMX quality on employee service performance, 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting(p.p12597~12597).
2013 Wang, Yi-chun, Chang, Wen-ching(20131107~20131108), An investigation of global career capital and constructing it's measurement scale: An example of expatriates from Taiwan, The 12th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of Academy of Human Resource Development.
2011 Chang, Wen-ching, Weng, Liang-chieh, Chen, Ting-chun(20110601~20110604), An exploratory study of the antecedents and consequences of global career: A comparison between different generations, EURAM2011(p.p99~99).
2010 Weng, Liang-chien, Chang, Wen-ching, Chang, Tsang-yao, Su, Chi-wei, Lai, Yi-chu(20100519~20100522), Distinguishing soldiers from actors: Reducing the Effects of Impression management behavior through group cohesiveness, EURAM2010(p.p99~99).
2010 張文菁(20101112~20101113),員工知覺生涯移動模式對其心理契約之影響 – 生涯系統特徵的調節作用,第六屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會。
2010 Fang, Hsiang-ming, *Chang, Wen-ching(20101212~20101214), An empirical study of the factors of social loafing effect in technology-supported teams, Asia Academy of Management 2010 Conference.
2008 Fang, Hsiang-Ming, *Chang, Wen-ching, Chen, Kuan-Yu(20080514~20080517), An Experimental Study of the Social Loafing in Cooperation Performance of Teams, EURAM2008(p.p99~99).
2008 藍庭國, 張文菁(20080516~20080516),團隊多元性、成員交換關係及角色定義幅度對團隊品質之影響,第八屆中小企業管理研討會。
2007 Chang,Wen-Ching, Weng, Liang-Chieh(20070803~20070808), The determinants of career-relevant knowledge learning aspiration, AOM2007(p.p99~99).
2007 Weng, Liang-Chieh, Chang, Wen-ching, Lai, Yi-Chu(20071020~20071020), Two are better than one? a dyadic analysis of the transfer of human resource practices within MNC subsidiaries, 2007企業國際化理論與實務研討會.
2006 Chang, Wen-Ching(20060516~20060520), The determinants of firm-specific knowledge learning: The effects of psychological contract and HRM practices, EURAM 2006 Annual Conference.
2005 Chang, W.C., Jaw, B.S.(200512~200512), What and why do employees intend to learn: A model of psychological contracts - human resource management system fit, The 14th International Conference on Comparative Management.
2005 Jaw, B.S., Wang, C.Y., Ling, Y.H., & Chang, W.C.(200512~200512), Chinese Employees’ Cultural Values and Work Values, The 14th International Conference on Comparative Management.
2003 Jaw, B.S., Wang, C. Y.P., Chang, W.C.(200308~200308), The Causal Effects of Organizational Internal Labor Market on Knowledge Accumulation from Career Attainment – The Mediating Effect of Willingness to Internal Transfer, Academy of Management 2003 Annual Meeting.
2003 Huang, L.C., Lin, C.S., Lin, H.C., Chang, W.C.(200308~200308), The Study of Multinational Corporations’ Knowledge Management., The 13th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management.
年度 書名
2009 組織行為
年度 活動名稱 主題/發表題目 活動期間
2019 管理學報 審查委員 2019-
2018 Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research Reviewer 2018-
2014 Journal of Career Development Reviewer 2014-
2012 勞資關係論叢 審查委員 2012-
2012 東吳經濟商學學報 審查 2012-
2010 Journal of Quality Reviewer 2010-
2010 Asia Pacific Management Review Reviewer 2010-
2010 International Journal of Manpower Reviewer 2010-
2006 人力資源管理學報 審查 2006-
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1131 企管四B 09311 專題實作 必修 3
1131 企管碩一 11102 領導與管理發展 選修 3
1131 企管二B 04596 導師時間 必修 0
1131 寰宇管理學程二A 10385 資料視覺化 選修 2
1131 企管四A 09311 專題實作 必修 3
1131 企管三A 00036 人力資源管理 必修 3
1131 企管三C 00036 人力資源管理 必修 3
1131 企管四C 09311 專題實作 必修 3
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
中山大學人力資源管理研究所 The Determinants of Firm-specific Knowledge Learning: The Effects of Psychological Contract and HRM Practices 博士論文
異動時間 交流活動名稱 交流方式 到訪機構名稱 外國學者姓名 所屬學術單位 從事事項 開始日期 結束日期 獲獎地區別 地點或洲別 國家
Dec 27 2016 2:46PM Visiting Teaching Scholar 出國擔任訪問學者 SMK University of Applied Social Science 2016 2016 國外 歐洲 立陶宛共和國
Oct 24 2012 6:06PM Visiting Professor 出國擔任交換教師 Ashland University 2011 2011 國外 北美洲 美國